Dear Readers,
Welcome back to my author's blog, Happy DETours!

Ketchup or catch up? I used to tell my preschool special education students whenever we had any catch up work to do, "We have ketchup work today, no mustard." And they would laugh every time. Literally, every time. Then throughout the year they would add more items such as, no relish, no hot dog, no bun, etc. It always put a huge smile on my face :)
So, this blog today will be a little ketchup/catch up blog. If you follow me on social media you have seen that I have been very busy this summer and now into the Fall. As a result, I missed sharing some things that have happened during that time.
This summer, I found out that my YA novel Pretend, took runner-up in both the New York Book Festival and the Hollywood Festival of Books. She Who Walks Above The Trees took honorable mention in both as well. It is mind boggling that my two little debut book babies have done so well on the award circuit. I am so grateful for the recognition of my books on these platforms. Can't wait to enter my second children's book, She Who Swims Above The Seas, into a few book competitions this coming Spring 2025. Stay tuned!
In case you missed my blog about this, I also found out this summer that I will be a first time grandma. I am beyond excited for my son and his wife. I can't believe time has gone by so quickly (it feels like yesterday I was having my own kids) but I am relishing my new role as grandma and can't wait to meet the little baby pie in 2025. Gender reveal is coming soon so watch for that blog!
Speaking of my books, you can now get them pretty much anywhere! It's very exciting! You can get all my books online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million to name a few of the big bookstore platforms. You can also get hard copies in store locally at Bloomsbury Lane Toy Shoppe in Lancaster, NY and The Author's Note in Medina, NY. Author's Note also carries them online. Hopefully soon, I will be on bookshelves in Barnes & Noble but you can always request a copy be sent to your local store for purchase if you prefer that over ordering it online.
Recently, I was featured in the local paper, The Bee, with an article and picture of my author journey. It was so well written and was very exciting to be interviewed by the reporter. She covered all of my books and helped promote upcoming events I had scheduled at the time. I even had a few people mention to me at my most recent weekend event that they saw my article in The Bee. The word is spreading!
With the word spreading, I wanted to share information about my events and appearances. I have a very full Fall schedule with new events added often. Most of my events I participate in feature awesome crafters and artisans which make these events a perfect spot for some Autumn shopping or you can get an early start on the winter holidays that will be here before you know it!
If you don't follow me on social media you can easily check my event schedule on my website.
Go to: and click the appearances tab to see where I will be next. And for my long distance followers, you can always click the shop tab on my website and order my books and dinosaurs directly from me!!
If you are in my area, I would LOVE for you to pop in and see me at one of my events! I will be all over the place, such as Alden, Clarence, Buffalo Riverworks, Hamburg Fairgrounds, Amherst/Williamsville, Lancaster etc.) so hopefully you can find an event near you!
Lastly, my WIPs. What is a WIP you ask? It is a work in progress. I had hoped to have some kind of new information or major update to share on that front but unfortunately that has been a bit of a challenge just finding time to really focus on my writing. I LOVE my book events but they do usurp much of my time and energy when it comes to securing them, promoting them, prepping for them and everything else that goes along with them. I tend to always say, I'll write tomorrow but you know how that saying ends. (*shaking my head) But the good news is I'm still moving forward. My third children's book in The Adventures Above Series is right on track and will release in early 2025.
My companion novel, well... the hope is still a Christmas release but I'm not making promises at this point. I will try my hardest to make that a reality since I have had a few of my newer readers asking when the companion book will be out for them to purchase and read. But I want to make sure I turn out a well written and well edited book and sometimes that takes more time than originally planned. However, having said all that, I am now back in the writing zone and putting poor Shane, my MC (main character) through the wringer right now. Poor guy :( Stay tuned!
As always, to my wonderful readers, family & friends, thank you all for your support, excitement and encouragement. It really does mean the world to me!
Happy DETours!